Just a Word
I go through and read other blogs partially because I'm bored and partially because I would like to expand my horizons and peek into some of the innermost thoughts people might have and still be too afraid to say it out loud, so they post it on here. I just got done reading a blog that was God this and that, and how God has purged New Orleans of sodomy, and the drunken partying of Mardi Gras, etc etc etc. Bullshit. Another thing I've seen on blogs and in the news is that what's going on has turned into a racial thing. Once again, Bullshit. What happened was a tragedy, plain and simple. Another thing is statistics. When the VAST majority of the population is black, then the vast majority of people stuck waiting for aid are gonna be black. Why is it always about color? Wah, Wah, Wah.... we don't get any help cause of our color, we don't make as much money because of our color. If those kind of arguments were legit, we'd have a woman sticking her face in front of the cameras as often as Rev. Jackson does, screaming about inequality, and how women don't make as much as men because of their sex. Get over it.