Better to sit silently and look like a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Nope... not calling you a fool..... but it was a phrase that came to mind when I was thinking about how people like to talk about things they have no clue about.
Now, to some people, 6mph isn't much.... hell, to a lot of people, it's not even a reason to pull somebody over. HOWEVER, the officer was fully within his rights to do so..... and just because he did does not make him a dick, or a shithead, or anything of the sort. Perhaps he was simply looking for something to do that day and, if you will read up on the subject, he was only going to issue a warning ticket. Officers come across dangerous, and potentially dangerous situations every day.....get it? every. day. Even out here in corn county USA, there are officers who pull over cars, and as they are simply walking up to the stopped vehaile, they are shot and killed. they don't do enough!! I'm sorry officers, but risking your lives every day only merits enough money to eek by.... unless gas prices go up even more, and then you'll need to get government assistance to provide food, rent, etc... but that's it..... only basic living expenses, because you don't deserve to have a life.... or any sort of fun...well, maybe you can get a copy of the notes from the town halls meeting last week..... but we're trying to save money by recycling, so only 2 copies of that will be circulated for your reading pleasure.
Pissed....... basically.... at you? hardly..... just the ignorance of society... a litigious society that feels that expressing their opinions after reading a few blurbs in a paper or online makes them a well informed public..... and God forbid if something happens for whatever reasons..... the lawyers will be on the phone before the blink of an eye, because... we all want a piece of the money, and the more people named in the lawsuit, the better.... that even has a name now.. it's called "Collective deep pockets".... oh, wait, the cops don't get any money, I forgot.
Yes, population matters a lot. If there are a million people in a place, and a hundred in another... statistically there will be more crime where there's more people. More crime, more risks, more danger, more room for error... and that in turn leads to more money. Just because there is a person who works in law enforcement, and they are out there, busting their ass day in and day out to help catch the criminal before they can break into your place......... just because it's a lowly C-O-P.... they don't deserve to have a house? I'm sorry... I missed the memo where they can only get the NICE boxes to live in. I use a computer (obviously)..... so that gives me the right to talk about how stupid programmers can't do something right, and they're overpaid? Nah... I don't think it does...... because no matter how much public information I read, there's always more that I don't know about going on...... so I would be talking about something I don't know about..... Just like law enforcement... until you have taken the classes, done the homework, and have had SOME type of first hand experience.... you can't say you are well informed about the topic. Don't assume you can walk the walk just because you attempt the talk.
There are plenty of cops out there who can't wear Dior, or Prada, or whatever....... but some of them STILL have more class than 99.99% of the population..... so the holier than thou attitude is bullshit. Law enforcement personnel simply do not get paid enough for what they do. Is 20k enough?? After they get gunned down pulling over a drug dealer.... are YOU going to tell the family that not only are cops overpaid, but they don't do enough to protect the public, and oh, btw, your loved one is dead, and hope you have enough money to make rent, the bills, AND have a funeral? This is something I love. This is something I'm devoting my life to, after devoting countless hours of studying and being inside a patrol car...... I can authentically talk the talk and walk the walk........
still not pissed AT you, but yes, you brought this on and got me fired up..... just a thought the next time you feel like spouting off on something you don't really know about (hint hint: ever notice how I don't talk about programming?)
ok I agree with that ruleing. Agreeing to disagree here.
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